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Finding your Wings

Liat Nesher

Summer has arrived here in Israel!

The entire country is buzzing with new life & beauty, merging together in a symphony of bird-songs & blossoming flowers. It's incredible to see the Land flourish before our very eyes.

I am very blessed to live in a small village just outside of Jerusalem overlooking the Judean hills. I've been spending more & more time outside enjoying the gentle glow of sunshine & sweet smell of honey that wafts through the air during this spring season.

The pathway leading up to our house is lined with luscious lavender plants on either side of the walk-way which causes bees to swarm everywhere, attracted to the smell of the pollen. We would often close our eyes and run through as fast as we could to reach the door of our house trying to dodge the buzzing insects. We called it the dreaded 'walk of the bees.'

I couldn't figure out why someone would plant lavender right beside a walk way which caused such a problem for us humans - trying to co-habitate with the bees without getting stung.

But then something happened that changed my mind....

Original photography: Liat Nesher // IMAGE NOW AVAILABLE AS A SCRIPTURE PHOTO CARD!

Hundreds of butterflies began to float through our yard due to the Monarch butterfly migration taking place here in Israel! I felt like I was in a movie, literally walking through clouds of butterflies filling the air. Once the butterflies discovered our lavender plants they delighted themselves in harvesting the nectar from the deep purple petals.

I watched in fascination and amazement as these little creatures perched themselves all throughout our flowers seemingly woven into the plants themselves. They fearlessly fluttered around me, even perching themselves on top of my knee every once in a while. I felt like these butterflies were sent as a sign especially for me.



"But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings..." (Isaiah 40:31)


As I watched these beautiful butterflies effortlessly spread their wings and flutter freely from flower to

flower I wished I could do the same.

Many of us have a longing to fly freely with passion & purpose, free to chase what sets our hearts on fire. Yet the journey to reaching our dreams is often a long, winding road that requires endurance & patience.

When we're in a season of waiting for our destiny to unfold we can grow weary with discouragement and disappointment.

We may not always understand the process we have to go through to grow into all God has created us to be. As beautiful as a butterfly is... it always starts as a caterpillar.

Original photography: Liat Nesher // IMAGE NOW AVAILABLE AS A SCRIPTURE PHOTO CARD!



Often we can feel like a caterpillar. Slugging through life, unsure of where we're going or why we're here. Feeling insignificant or overlooked. Even in the seasons of our life that we think are meaningless, serve a unique & vital purpose.

Interestingly enough, the caterpillar’s main job is to consume massive amounts of food! It fills itself with nourishment that's stored and used later within it's transformation process.

In the same way, there are times in our life where our main job is to be filled with spiritual food & nourishment from God that will later on be used for fuel to propel us into what He will call us into.

If you're unable to soar where you are right now, learn to sit at God's feet and receive all you need in His presence. Dig into the word and establish a solid foundation of His love that will sustain you in times to come.



"With any new start we inevitably must undergo a transition." - Christina Devereaux

When God causes things to shift & change in our lives it can be uncomfortable and confusing at times. Transition is defined as “a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another.”

A saying that I've heard often from one of my past spiritual leader/mentor is "God loves us exactly as we are but He loves us too much to leave us that way."

In 2 Corinthians 3:18 it says 'we are being transformed into the image of God. We are constantly growing, expanding & evolving into the likeness of our Creator.


Just when we start to get content to live as a caterpillar you can rest assured God will shake things up and bring us into the next stage of growth which is the cocoon stage.

When the caterpillar has gotten all the nourishment it needs, it will stop eating, hang upside down and form a chrysalis. This protective cocoon conceals the caterpillar until it's ready to emerge as a beautiful butterfly.

Original photography: Liat Nesher // IMAGE NOW AVAILABLE AS A SCRIPTURE PHOTO CARD!

There may be seasons we are hidden. When nobody knows what we're capable of and doesn't recognise the gifting and anointing on our life. It's exactly in that place where we feel like nothing is really happening that we grow the most.

On the surface it doesn't seem like much progress is being made but inside we are being transformed into a new creation and finding our wings to fly.

I identify with this guy in the bible named “Baruch.” It says “the Lord hid Him...” (Jer. 36:27)

His name in Hebrew literally means blessing! In the same way we may be able to bless the world with our gifts and talents but when God hides us he’s saying ‘I care more about WHO you are than what you can DO.’

When we feel you hidden & unseen that’s God trying to establish a solid foundation of faith in us before we’re fully able to operate in our calling. “You hide them in the secret place of your Presence.” (Ps. 64:2) God will hide you to bring you into His presence so that when people see you they see God’s light shining through you. 💛


If you want to be able to read the bible in Hebrew (it's original language) and learn more Hebrew word studies like this one check out my online Hebrew course!



Inside of the chrysalis the butterfly actually has to break down its parts until it appears to be melting before it can take on a new form. When we're in this place of being hidden and unseen we can get frustrated, begin to despair and feel like we're falling apart.


"Sometimes when it feels like our life is falling apart it's really just falling into place."


We can be tempted to look at other people's lives and think "what the heck!? Why is everything in their life in order while mine is a mess. I'm doing everything right and yet I have to endure so much discomfort and pain."

While the process of 'finding our wings' is not always comfortable it is necessary to reach our destiny and purpose. If we are never willing to go through a season of breaking down we will never reach the break-through waiting for us on the other side!


Under the surface is where you learn to bloom...

Original photography: Liat Nesher // IMAGE NOW AVAILABLE AS A SCRIPTURE PHOTO CARD!

If the chrysalis were opened during this time of 'break-down' it would just be a liquid form. In the same way "the process of letting go of something in order to grab onto something else actually means that for a period of time we may feel like we are holding on to nothing." - Christina Devereaux

When we feel like nothing is happening in our life, we can look back and see that all along we were transforming into all we were made to be.


If you feel over-looked in this season be encouraged that God sees you and He has a good plan for you. Even your current 'break-down' is a set up for the 'break-through' that is on it's way! You are transforming into something beautiful, all God's asking from you is a heart that's willing to trust Him in the process.


Thank you so much to all my wonderful readers who follow this blog and support the work we are doing here in the Land of Israel!

Make sure you SUBSCRIBE to get on my mailing list and receive weekly newsletters full of encouragement and news from Israel.

If you would like to support this blog & the ministry 'Media with a Message' that works to reach the younger generation through media with a Messianic perspective then you can make a donation HERE.

Thank you so much!

- Liat Nesher


NEW RELEASE! Butterfly Hebrew + English Scripture Cards

These unique, high quality photo cards have English & Hebrew scriptures on the front, leaving room inside for a personalised message, makes a wonderful gift for family and friends!

Each card displays an original photograph of butterflies & flowers in Israel.

10% of all proceeds are sown into trustworthy ministries both in Israel & abroad.

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